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Stephanie J. Castillo

19 Dec 2016 3:16 PM | Deleted user

THOMAS CHAPIN, NIGHT BIRD SONG documentary's BEST of our JAZZ FILM Screenings

1. BEST STORY Award, Nice, France film festival

2. Monterey Jazz Festival, selected to screen

3. Hartford, CT (Chapin's) hometown, sell out screening & music concert

4. Manhattan, SVA Theater, 350+ attended free screening

5. University of Kentucky, Lexington screening and concert with Mario Pavone and Dave Ballou, our first academic screening

6. Normal, Illinois screening, JJA's Howard Mandel hosts Q&A with Stephanie on Skype

7. Hawaii premiere in Stephanie's home, 5 screenings

8. New York Jazz Film Festival, winner for Posthumous Documentary

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